I highly recommend adult supervision when working with sharp tools, especially when cutting the bottles.

Cutting Bottles to Make the Gutter
After collecting the 1.5 L (or larger) plastic bottles, cut them to make sections of the gutter system. Try to find and use bottles with few-to-no indentations. Be sure to cut the bottles with caution. Here is a guide for how to estimate the number of bottles needed.
Connecting the Bottles
Using the bottles that were cut in Step One, apply tape around the seam to connect the bottles. Be sure to create a tight seal by securing the tape with pressure.

Making the Downspout
Cut 0.5 L plastic water bottles and wedge them into each other (with the curved end fitting into the wide bottom) to create the downspout. When cutting, proceed with caution, especially on the curved edges. Be mindful that the top of one bottle must fit into the bottom of another. Please see the video to see how to cut these bottles accordingly.
Connecting the Downspout to the Gutter
In this step, the gutter and the downspout are connected. Bottles can be added to both the gutter strip and the downspout (if needed). However, typically it is easier to assemble the gutter and the downspout separately before connecting them. Here is a guide for how to estimate the number of bottles needed.

Creating an End Wall
Strips of tape are put together to create walls that are attached to both ends of the gutter system after all the bottles have been connected.
Attaching the System
Use screws and string (or twine) to attach the system. It is important to attach the system on a decline towards the downspout so that gravity can take over, carrying fallen water through the gutter, down the downspout, and into a bucket (or other receptacle) where the water is collected.